Saturday 26 September 2009

Today's blog is dedicated to my dad, Ken, he tries really hard, mum hasn't been that gr8 lately as I told you yesterday and father cops for the lot! on top of that Grandma (his mum) isn't doing too gr8, she's still in hospital after breaking her femur the other week. Poor dad he's not having much luck with the ladies in his life. Good job he's got me and my sister. Tee Hee. Oh and don't 4get Gemma, Amy, Nats and Sarah (the grandaughters) come to think of it he's in danger of having too many ladies in his life... poor dad.

And another postcard, I love this one, it came today, its from Sue Singer in California and is part of the art deco swap I did, remember I posted my ladies the other day? Anyway I like this one.


  1. Hi - to Anthea's dad - what a handsome chap!

    I love the Art Deco card - It's lovely.

  2. For some reason I cannot make a comment on Anne-Marie's blog - so thought I would try on yours!!!!

  3. That's strange - I dont know why I cannot comment on Anne-Marie's - sorry for using, abusing and taking advantage of your blog!!!!

  4. sorry!!!! but sill cannot write anything on it - i have tried again tonight!
