Saturday 15 August 2009

my friend Janet put me onto this Noah's Ark quilt, it was designed by Lynette Anderson. Its taken me 6 weeks to backstitch. I started it for my niece who is due to have a baby in November but when I showed it to her I don't think that it is her cup of tea. Hey ho not to worry its just a good excuse to do another... and I am! I have started a foundation pieced farm animals one, I've almost finished 12 blocks; one good rainy day should see it finished. Then all I need to do is finish my City and Guilds work ready for September ha ha ha there goes another rib!

1 comment:

  1. Its looking really good Anthea - you have well and truly beaten me to it! I am really impressed - this will make a lovely quilt. Looking forward to seeing it finished.
